Saturday, April 9, 2011

On The Coming Of Summer

There are many significant moments on the journey from winter to summer. It is often rather sunny and warm in winter, with the mild weather being punctuated by weeks of freezing rain and snow higher up. Even late in the season when the heat of the day reaches upwards of 32˚F (90˚F), a storm off the Atlantic can bring a winter relapse. Despite this, there are generally some significant moments that let you know winter is leaving, not to return for many months. Here are these moments catalogued:

1)    The day when it becomes too warm to wear shoes. There is a day when it becomes too hot to wear shoes and socks while waking around without them becoming hot and sweaty within half an hour. This leads to the start of sandal season.
2)    The first day of sandal tan. This follows shortly after ditching shoes and socks, when the sun shining on bare feet leaves a pale band where your flip-flops cover that bit of your feet.
3)    The day when you have to use the cold water during your shower. During winter the pipes and water-heater are so cold that you crave all the warmth your shower can carry. However as things heat up, it starts becoming too much to take and you have to use the cold water tap to cool it down a bit.
4)    When the sun traverses high enough in the sky that as it sets it shines in your western bathroom windows with a powerful yellow light.
5)    The day when the floor inside your house finally becomes warm enough to walk on with bare feet. This is the most important indicator that winter has gone for the year. Since the floor is tile on top of eight inches of concrete it takes a lot to change its temperature. It has to be consistently warm for a long time for the floor to heat up. All the warm sunny days in a row won’t make a difference if the temperature drops to single digits ˚C at night. This year, after a week of hot days and warm nights, sox and slippers no longer were necessary to walk around indoors on March 31st.

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