Moroccan’s Facebook profiles are not like other nations Facebook profiles.
To begin with, the profile picture is never of the person whose profile it is. Moreover it generally isn’t even a picture of a person. Typically it is a picture of a flower, a cartoon or a digital character. Sometimes it is a saying or a favorite football team’s logo. The number one all time most likely profile picture? A heart!
Secondly, the name of the person whose profile it is isn’t always the name used. Nothing is odder then getting a Facebook request from someone you know but who, for whatever reason, has decided to name his or her internet persona Hospital.
From all this it is obvious to conclude that Moroccans are not happy with using their own countenances and only sometimes happy with their own names, when interacting on Facebook.
Beyond these important things, the actual profile doesn’t contain much in the way of accurate information either. All the pictures tagged as containing said person in them are actually just pictures that they like, like drawings of hearts. There is no job, next of kin or date of birth information either. This makes sense for the Moroccans whose date of birth wasn’t recorded and so can really only say, “I was born during the harvest.” Facebook doesn’t allow The Harvest as a birthday option. But even though some Moroccans don’t have birthdays, many do, but don’t include them. In fact the only accurate information on a Moroccan’s Facebook profile is generally their favorite music, tv shows and quotes.
The most unexpected difference between Moroccan’s Facebook profiles and other nations Facebook profiles however, is that even though Moroccan’s Facebook profiles contain almost no real information about themselves and seemed to be designed so that they can not be traced back to their originator, they still use them solely for the purpose of communicating with people they know. Rather then trolling the world of Facebook for unsuspecting and naive victims as all this secrecy and misinformation might portend, Moroccans still use Facebook for it’s intended purpose, sharing a digital friendship with someone who is your real life friend.
But what they really share is a bond of mutual understanding that their Internet friendship shouldn’t be burdened with the lesser trivialities of reality.
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